*TS ELs & HPL ENCASHMENT SOFTWARE FOR RETIRE AND DEATH IN RPS-2020 (Without apportionment of AP &TS Share ) 27.09.2024
These software's are prepared for final payment of EL's & HPL's on retired / death from the services.
*TS ELs & HPL ENCASHMENT SOFTWARE FOR RETIRE & DEATH IN RPS 2020 Trail Version (with Apportionment of TS Share (41.68%) & AP Share-(58.32%) - as per GO No 243 Date 22.07.2014) updated on 26.09.2024
*T.S G.O.Rt.No. 243 FINANCE (TFR) DEPARTMENT Dated:22-07-2014 (Apportionment of claims for pre &post bifurcation of AP (02.06.2014) >>Procedural Clarification >>between TS &AP )
There is no sealing in HRA Slabs. so rectify sealing in 24% of HRA..( when enter BP. is 71000, HRA seems 15000/-( claime of HRA 24%)
ReplyDeletesir ap el & hpl encashment software for death RPS 2022 sir
ReplyDeletePlease upload the software showing difference statement of Surrender leave in RPS2020
ReplyDeleteThere is no sealing in HRA Slabs. so rectify sealing in 24% of HRA..( when enter BP. is 71000, HRA seems 15000/-( claime of HRA 24%)
ReplyDeletesir, pl chainge HRA Maximum limt, i.e.15000, due to no limt in PRC-20 PAY SCALES.
ReplyDeleteSir, updated check once
DeleteSir, pl. update AP encashment of EEL & HPL as per RPS 2020
ReplyDeletePlease add the IR column for ts teachers.
ReplyDeleteSir please update the IR column.
ReplyDeleteSir Please update Combined AP Share and TS Share bill in final encashment of EL'S &HPL'S
ReplyDeleteSir oka Employe ki Hp Leaves Ayepoyyayi Earned Leaves 23 Payttaru proceeding theyyali Daya chaysi Eaned Leave proceding payttagalaru 🥺
ReplyDeleteSir,enter 0 in ragarding to HPL in Data sheet
DeleteSir, Please Update Final EL'S & HPL'S Software A.P Share 58.32% and T.S Share 41.68%
ReplyDeletesir, download
ReplyDeleteDTO/ STO ఆఫీà°¸ుà°²ో à°°ిà°Ÿైà°°్à°¡్ à°…à°¯ినటుà°µంà°Ÿి ఉపాà°§్à°¯ాà°¯ుà°² à°«ైనల్ ELs & HPL s à°¬ిà°²్à°¸్ à°†ంà°§్à°°à°ª్à°°à°¦ేà°¶్ (ఉమ్మడి à°°ాà°·్à°Ÿ్à°°ం)మరిà°¯ు à°¤ెà°²ంà°—ాà°£ à°°ాà°·్à°Ÿ్à°°ాలలో à°µేà°°ుà°µేà°°ుà°—ా à°¬ిà°²్à°¸్ à°•ి à°¸ంà°¬ంà°§ింà°šిà°¨ à°ª్à°°ొà°¸ీà°¡ింà°—్à°¸్ à°µేà°°ుà°µేà°°ుà°—ా ఇవ్వమని à°•ోà°°ుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ు. à°•ాà°µుà°¨ à°¦ాà°¨ిà°•ి à°…à°¨ుà°—ుà°£ంà°—ా à°¸ాà°«్à°Ÿ్à°µేà°°ు తయాà°°ు à°šేయగలరని మనవి à°šేà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¨ు....
Call me
ReplyDeleteSir,Two bills submit at a time with same proceeding
ReplyDeleteSir, good evening. Please prepare Revised Pension Proposals software in RPS-2020 Due to Enhancement of DA.. Please prepare sir
ReplyDeleteDear Sir thank you for your service. There is one rupee is different from ifms Telangana share and AP share .please rectify. one rupee excess in AP share and one rupee less in Telangana share.
ReplyDeletein EL encashment software.